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11:03 11-16-2018

Current favourite song:

chuck prophet- freckle song
it was me that sent those albums of nuclear and lucky to shindig magazine, richard allen
the reviewer told me he was a huge wigwam fan, so i asked him why he had only given nuclear
3 stars, he said he never gives anything 5 stars and 3 stars is a good rating, i told him that
most people who sea 3/5 are going to think that it is an average to poor album, he disagreed
and said that anyway he was more interested in the early stuff.
i'm very disappointed with his reviews and ratings and needless to say i will not be sending
him any of the other items he asked for, i told him to go directly to svart and ask them for
anything else.
as far as i am concerned both of these re-issues with the amazing bonus material are 5/5
but then i know i'm very biased.
16:24 11-15-2018
Tuoreimmassa Shindig lehden numerossa (85, ZZ Top kannessa) on arvosteltu Svartin tuoreet Wigwam uusintapainokset Nuclear ja Lucky Golden. Nightclubille heruu 3/5 ja Luckylle 4/5.
13:51 11-13-2018

Current favourite song:

King Harvest Has Surely Come
Svart Records revealed early 2019 release:
previously unreleased Wigwam live album from 1976.
23:05 11-09-2018
Mikko M

Current favourite song:

Hildegard Knef: Im 80. Stockwerk
Nic, I'll inform you about the t-shirts as soon as I know.

Harmi jos sukupuu ja bändikuva ovat jääneet pois Wigwam-kirjan uudesta painoksesta. En ole saanut tekijänkappaletta, joten en tiedä toteutuksen kaikkia yksityiskohtia. Taiteilijaeläkkeiden vajavainen ilmoittaminen menee omaan piikkiini. Diskografiaa on tosiaan päivitetty, mutta voi sielläkin joku pieni puute olla. Muilta osin kirja on liki identtinen vanhan painoksen kanssa. Joitain kirjoitusvirheitä ja taittomokia on korjattu, tippuneita rivejä lisätty.
13:34 11-09-2018
Riffi lehden tuoreimmassa (5/2018) numerossa kansikuvajuttu Wigwamin juhlakiertueesta. Lehden tyylin mukaan painotus on käytettävissä soittolaitteissa, joka oli aika piristävää. https://riffi.fi/lehti/riffi-52018
13:28 11-09-2018

Current favourite song:

Lainasin Wigwam-kirjan uuden painoksen kirjastosta. Uusi laitos vaikuttaa hieman hätäisesti markkinoille saatetulta. Kirjan alkutiedoissa puhutaan sidonnan bändikuvasta ja sukupuusta, joita ei tästä painoksesta löydy. Uusi jälkipuhe on varsin suppea, vain hieman yli sivun, ja taiteilijaeläke-osioltaan puutteellinen; taiteilijaeläkkeen ovat saaneet Esan, Jimin ja Jukan lisäksi myös ainakin Måsse (2007), Pedro (2012), Rekku (2013) ja Mats (2016). Päivitetyn diskografian lisäksi kirja lienee muilta osin identtinen vanhan painoksen kanssa, ja joka tapauksessa hyvä, että se on taas saatavilla, koska kirja on kattava ja hyvin kirjoitettu.
10:39 11-08-2018

Current favourite song:

simple human kindness- nuclear nightclub bonus version
anybody know where i can order one of those 50th anniversary t-shirts from ?
23:38 10-31-2018
Eeva H.

Current favourite song:

Do or Die
Kertomukseni Wigwamin Turun-konsertista 6.10.2018:
18:13 10-25-2018
Vielä yksi arvio Logomon keikalta http://kaaoszine.fi/ytimekkaan-yokerhoyhtyeen-ote-ei-irtoa-50-vuotias-wigwam-turun-logomossa-6-10-2018/

Tässä yksi Gutsin mennyt keikka: https://www.facebook.com/events/441475619697703/

Ja pari tulevaa keikkaa:



Tuolla Strandberg Projectin uudella levyllä viisi Gutsin sävellystä ja muutenkin levy kuulosta ihan hyvältä .


16:28 10-22-2018

Current favourite song:

Toads of The Short Forest
Haha, yes. We got what you were saying Ilja, miss=kaipaat. In English we would say you would welcome or look forward the new mixes. (My wife is a translator).
12:59 10-22-2018

Current favourite song:

Ilja Saastamoinen's Joutsenen juju album
I would miss some less compressed audiophile editions of Light Ages, Titans' Wheel and Some Several Moons also on CD. There is discussion about the mixing of Light Ages also in Mikko's book. I think one main reason why the album sounds now so dated is the sound of the digital keyboards used.
21:39 10-20-2018

Current favourite song:

Still anything off the first Tolonen solo LP
Yeah, it would be nice to see Wigwam Plays Wigwam on vinyl as well. It looks as if some more historical stuff will be coming out before Christmas, but we'll have to wait and see.

There is an interesting little bit of information on the Svart vinyl version of the first Tolonen solo LP. Heikki Virtanen talks about Tasavallan Presidentti members recording in 1974 an LP, called Reflection, with the American saxophonist Charlie Mariano, . I found a couple of tracks from it on YouTube, such as "Ramblin'", which was composed by Jukka T and also can be found on his 1st solo LP, my favourite album at the moment. More aggressive than the original it has a different feel and is definitely worth checking out (but then most people reading this will probably know already).
01:08 10-20-2018

Current favourite song:

Cmarillo Brillo
This compression business was quite the problem in the CD era. I went out and sought some Stones CDs on old labels (CBS?) and they are an improvement to everything currently sold. You can tell they are overcompressed by playing the disc. Once you can hear the disc at reasonable volume, turn it up to twice as loud. It still sounds about the same. Toss in the trash.
with Wigwam I've managed to play the two marred albums,. according to Claes. But the Wigwam Plays Wigwam discs are almost never played,collecting dust.
20:29 10-19-2018

Current favourite song:

Anything on Jukka Tolonen's first solo album.
Thanks to Nic for kind words and for pointing out the bass player mistake. Also thanks to Mikko for placing my review on his great website.

Regarding my "current favourite song", I just managed to find a copy of Tolonon's first LP, likewise a reissue on Svart. It has sold out from the label but luckily there was one left on Amazon. I used to have this album but stupidly I sold it. It's unbelievably good. I think Jukka was only 19 at the time.How is it even possible to create such a masterpiece at that age?

Incidentally, Jukka was the first musician I ever interviewed. He was such a great pleasure to talk to. JTB was playing at Aktivitetshuset in Albertslund west of Copenhagen, where I then lived with my family. My mother was a journalist for the local newspaper and I asked if they would print my interview with Jukka, which they did. A great experience.
17:50 10-19-2018
Thanks, Nic! It's corrected now by Claes.
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